Breakups are tough and sometimes inevitable. Regardless of whether you are the one being dumped or the one doing the dumping, breaking up is difficult. But how you handle a breakup says a lot about you. It is important to handle a breakup gracefully. If you handle it properly, you will be able to get over the breakup quickly and will also preserve any relationships associated with it.
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Act mature and break up in a proper manner. Do not break up with someone through email, text messages and instant messages. If you are the one ending the relationship, be kind and tell the person face-to-face. If you are the one getting dumped, stay positive and listen to why the person is breaking up with you. Most of the time, breakups occur because the relationship is coming to a gradual end and neither partner is at fault.
2Surround yourself with friends and family and keep a positive attitude. Make plans with friends and avoid staying alone and wallowing in self pity.
3Do things you enjoy, such as physical activities or hobbies. Keeping yourself occupied is necessary to get over your breakup. Maintain a schedule and do not ignore your day-to-day activities.
4Talk or write about your feelings. This is important if someone broke up with you. Do not trash-talk about your former partner but talking to a close friend or writing in a journal about your feeling can help you evaluate your feelings. This might lead to discovering a reasonable explanation for the end of the relationship.
5Find a new hobby or activity, such as skydiving or traveling someplace you've never been to before; this may invigorate you and help with your self esteem. Maintaining a positive attitude involves taking care of yourself physically as well. Do not overindulge in sweets or fast food. Instead, release stress by exercising, such as walking, hiking, swimming or an organized sport, such as volleyball or basketball.
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