You would make a fortune if you could bottle something that could help people get over a broken heart fast. A broken heart is painful, and like an illness, it needs to run its course. But there are things you can do to speed up this process, and it starts with you realizing that you are not alone. There are many others who are nursing a broken heart. It is an unfortunate part of being human and will pass.
- 1
Talk to a close family member or friend. You need a shoulder, someone who will listen and be there for you. Be honest with your feelings, or being consoled will not help. Don't use your friend to analyze what went wrong at this point. Right now it is just about easing the pain. It is fine to cry, and that is what your friend is there for. Grab a box of tissues and go for it.
2Don't lie in bed feeling miserable. Get up in the morning, shower and go about your daily life. It will help you get your mind off the breakup.
3Start looking for the pluses in the breakup. Maybe you don't have to do his laundry anymore, or you can meet your friends without feeling guilty, or you don't have to spend holidays with relatives of your sweetheart who never seemed to like you. If it makes you feel better, make a list of the negative things in the relationship that are no longer an issue.
4Be strong and do not give into the temptation to drive by his house or call him just to hear his voice. Instead, do things for yourself. Make it a goal to do something pleasurable every day. See a movie, go to a museum, have dinner with friends or visit your grandma. Doing things that you enjoy instead of stalking your ex will help you move forward.
5It sounds like advice your mother would give you, but get up and exercise. Activity releases endorphins in the brain that elevate your mood. A nice brisk walk every day can do the trick.
6Once you start feeling a little bit better make another list, this time of the things you wanted to do but could not while you were in your relationship. These can be small things, such as eating at a steak house that you avoided because your ex was a vegetarian. Or they can be big things, such as traveling to a foreign country your ex never wanted to visit. Start doing those things, and relish them.
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