Unemployment places a number of stresses on a relationship. In addition to the obvious concern over finances, your boyfriend is likely experiencing severe frustration over the job market and the searching process. Interviewing, applying and drafting cover letters gets old fast, so it is reasonable to expect that your boyfriend may be disagreeable or stressed while he looks for a new job. Providing emotional support through this difficult time is an excellent way to help your boyfriend feel better.
- 1
Stay positive. When your boyfriend has a frustrating day, remind him of the things that are still good in his life to help bring him out of his funk. A positive attitude can go a long way in overcoming stress.
2Schedule downtime with your boyfriend. He may be obsessed with finding a new job, but it is important to take time to relax. Set aside at least one night per week to devote solely to enjoying each others company and avoiding employment concerns.
3Give your boyfriend space. You may think you are helping by offering suggestions, links to job postings and recommendations on cover letter techniques, but those helpful tidbits could build resentment and increase his stress level. Help your boyfriend if he asks; otherwise it is best to stay out of it.
4Hold your boyfriend responsible for his actions if he begins taking his frustrations out on you. Be supportive of him during this tough time, but not at the expense of your own mental health.
5Keep communication open. Allow your boyfriend to talk to you about his problems and express his fears. Often, simply having a person to talk to can help relieve job hunt stress.
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