Your girlfriend is caring, considerate and patient. She is maternal, clean, nice to your friends and would never hurt a fly. She loves to volunteer and rescues stray animals anytime she can. She is ideal in everyway. In short, she is driving you crazy and now is the time to dump your good girl girlfriend.
- 1
Sit the good girl down and be a bad boy. Tell her she is suffocating you with her perfection and you just can't take it anymore.
2Illustrate your point of view and describe the last time you swore in front of her and she cried.
3Rebuke her futile attempts to explain her behavior as good for the relationship. Convince her you're to blame, she's too good.
4Make her angry with you by telling her all the awful things you have down while dating her-you flirt with every woman you meet and you never want to visit Napa.
5She believes she can change, but you know better. Tell her you know she can't change even if she tried and it is time you parted ways. Wish her the best and get out before you feel guilty.
6Visit your favorite bar/club and find a bad girl.
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