Friday, October 19, 2018

How to Write Poetry for a Girl You Don't Know

You've seen her, maybe in the office, maybe at your favorite cafe, but the fact is: now you can't stop thinking about her. And you want to know her, but how is that going to happen? By writing her poetry, you introduce this girl you know nothing about into a bit of your own world. When she glimpses who you are, that's when you begin to know each other. If she enjoys it, you may just be hearing from her more often, and who knows what will come of it?



    Establish a topic relating to her. You need your first poem to this mysterious girl to be clear, not too serious or intimate, but not so abstract that she's left wondering if you meant anything by it at all. Maybe choose to write about the feeling you get when you see her walk by, or something creative such as how an object of your favorite hobby (like your guitar or bicycle) has been neglected since now all you do is think about her.


    Pick a safe tone. It's difficult to tell what a girl is like from a few chance encounters or just suddenly discovering her across the room, so don't be too chivalrous and gallant (she may see you more as the court jester than a knight on a mighty steed) or too romantic--she might think you're a stalker. Keep it lighthearted and fun to read, though sincere and still communicating some feelings.


    Avoid excessive rhyming, especially if this is your first poem since fourth grade. If you do want your poem to rhyme, try a rhyme scheme like ABAB (the ends of A lines rhyme with each other, same with B lines) and stay away from "cat fat" or "ball tall."


    Focus on her. No matter how confident a girl may seem, she truly does enjoy some reassurance that someone thinks she's amazing. However, don't be too overbearing either. It's a fine line between sweet compliments and idolatrous praise.


    Compliment her features. It doesn't have to be Shakespearian, but it will bring a smile to her face. If it's something she was doing that caught your attention, maybe elaborate on that. Different girls will take what you say different ways, so if you don't know her it's probably safer to stay away from praising her curves.


    End on a happy note, but say what you need to say. If you plan to write more to her or do something else to get her attention, it may be better to leave it open ended and get her curious. You don't have to ask her out, since she may just come up and talk to you if she is interested.


    Sign with your name only. Don't sign "Love..."--- you don't love her because you don't even know her. Omit little red hearts around your name and save your X's and O's for Grandma.


    Write your number on the back of the poem if you don't think you'll run into her otherwise.


    Fold your poem into a curious shape and place it somewhere where she will discover it, or roll it up like a scroll and tie it with a red ribbon for your best friend to deliver. All that matters is she gets it somehow and she knows it's from you.

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